Christine de Pisantr. Stan Solomons

Rians vairs yeulx qui mon cuer avez pris
Par vos regars pleins de las amoureux
A vous me rens, si me tiens eureux
D’estre par vous si doulcement surpris

On ne pourroit sommer le très grant pris
De vos grans biens qui tant sont savoureux
Rians vairs yeulx qui mon cuer avez pris

Tant estes doulx, plaisant et bien apris
Qu’au monde na homme si douleureux
Que, s’un regart en avoit doulcereux
Que tantost n’eust pas vous confort repris,
Rians vairs yeulx qui mon cuer avez pris.

My heart is slave to grey blue laughing eyes
To your regard brimming with loving sadness
I give myself to you, so full of happiness
Seeing you render me such sweet surprise

One could not count the joy and the great prize
Of virtues so perfumed and sensuous
My heart is slave to grey blue laughing eyes

So soft and pleasant, such a lovely prize
That no man in the world however sad
Target of such a gentle, tender gaze
Would straightway change his humour to the glad
My heart is slave to grey blue laughing eyes.

Note: A Rondeau is a form of French poetry with 15 lines written on two rhymes,
This shortened poem is more strictly termed a ‘Rondel’. It was most commonly set to music between the late 13th and the 15th centuries.

Trans. Copyright© Stan Solomons 2010